about Appisode

Who we are

Appisode aims to serve you not only as ERP experts, but also as business consultants and valuable business partners.

Odoo ERP (formerly known as OpenERP) is our ERP system of choice - we believe it is the best software solution for small to medium businesses. It is already in version 8, with hundreds of modules readily available, allowing us to rapidly implement an ERP solution for your business. Odoo is also open source, making the software highly customizable to your need. Find out more here.

Our team of consultants make it a point to understand our client's business - to ensure that the ERP software provides significant productivity increases and business benefit to the company and its employees. We do that by following a structured development process. Find out more about our development process. »»

Odoo's open source nature allows us to customize the ERP software fully to the customer's needs. Our technical experts can develop an entirely new module or add new functions when required. Learn more.

Our process

User requirements gathering
This is the first and most critical step. We not only gather requirements from the client, but also from staff at every level to understand their needs and how they would use the ERP system.
At the end of this step, a user(s) analysis report will be written and given to the client.
Process and workflow analysis
A thorough analysis of the business and its various processes will be conducted by us. We will then be able to understand the customization that will be required, and how each process can be improved with ERP.
At the end of this step, a business process workflow report and recommended improvements
will be given to the client.
Implementation, Customization & Testing
In the last phase, our developers will customize the ERP system according to the client's needs, and develop new modules if necessary.
There will be 2 to 3 round of testing with client and staff at every level before the system goes live.

Custom development

Odoo ERP's open source nature allows developers to add new functions to existing modules and create new modules. Thousands of developers all over the world contribute to the development of new module, and Appisode has customized and developed modules as well. These include:
  • Jobs module for hardware servicing
  • Integrating product package with calendar module
  • Customized reports
Read more about how we've helped our clients. »»

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